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Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital


•   Opening a new era in medicine, Dongguk University's Ilsan Hospital is a "modern digital hospital integrating Eastern and Western treatments" and was founded in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of Dongguk University.
•   Established in 2005, Dongguk University's Ilsan Hospital became the world's first medical facility to combine Western and Eastern medical treatments with a unique medical information system. Today, the hospital consists of 34 departments, 49 specialized clinics and 12 special specialized centers. In addition, in 2006, the Medical Research Center and the Laboratory for preclinical testing were opened, and in 2008 the Clinical Trials Center was opened. This means that Ilsan Hospital, by regularly and systematically conducting research on vital diseases, makes a significant contribution to the development of medicine and treatment methods.
•   In 2007, for the first time in the northern region of Gyeonggi province, our hospital successfully performed cochlear surgery, as well as the first endoscopic operation to remove the thyroid gland from the axillary access.
To improve the quality and efficiency of patient treatment, such specialized centers operate on the basis of the hospital, such as the Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, the Oncology Center, the Center for Stereotactic Surgery, the Center for Intensive Care of Traumatic Brain Injuries using European and Oriental methods of treatment, the Center for the Treatment of Thyroid and other. In 2011, our hospital was appointed as the "Korean Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Database" to establish Korean standards for ischemic infarction magnetic resonance imaging.
•   The General Wellness Center provides treatment in a very convenient and comfortable hotel-level environment using Eastern and European methods of treatment. A One-Stop Service quick service system has been installed, when the patient receives both medical care and the result on the day of his application.
•   In 2011, Ilsan Hospital was awarded by the Ministry of Health and received an official certificate for the level of medical services and the level of safety for patients. Also on the basis of the hospital is the International Treatment Center, where foreign patients can easily and without difficulty receive the desired medical services.
The Goyang Biomedical Complex is also based at Ilsan Hospital, and in the future it is planned to build the Goyang Medical Cluster, which will combine a corporate research center, a medical campus and other medical institutions. Thus, thanks to the latest research, Ilsan Hospital at Dongguk University, becoming the center of the Goyang Medical Cluster, will become the engine of the future development of medicine related to life and health.


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